Saturday, May 2, 2009

" in, I become the meal." - Bella Swan

I wonder if Flat E would babysit?
Or would he be tempted to have the children for midnight snack?
I have often commented on how DELICIOUS the baby's chubby thighs are...

Also, just a thought: would photoediting software remove the red-eye from man-eating vampires? Inquiring minds want to know...


  1. Wow, Ha ha! I have a poster that size of Hillary Clinton and its in my room! I think Edward would scare me! Does he scare you? Also, I love the quote by Bella at the top!!! Genius!


  2. Well, Q seems undisturbed by Edward's presence...

  3. Edward routinely gives me a heart attack, every time I step into the room where he's kept.

    and B - the boys view him fondly, like another pet...
